Inter-Commission Committee

Inter-Commission Committee on Marine Geodesy

ICCM is the Inter-Commission Committee on Marine Geodesy. This IAG component was approved and created after IUGG general assembly in Montreal in 2019 (following on a proposal from the Chinese National Committee). It is the first attempt to foster worldwide communication and exchanges on marine and submarine geodesy. Marine Geodesy community encompasses a wide range of topics at very different maturity stages (e.g. tides versus real time seafloor deformation monitoring) and a large part of this community is not yet structured at the international level, which is part of the challenge of the ICCM.


Inter-Commission Committee on Theory

The objective of ICCT is to act as international focus of theoretical geodesy, to encourage and initiate activities to advance geodetic theory in all branches of geodesy, to monitor developments in geodetic methodology To achieve these objectives, ICCT interacts and collaborates with the IAG Commissions, GGOS and other IAG related entities (services, projects). Click on the title and read further details on the ICCT website!


Inter-Commission Committee on Geodesy for Climate Research

During the IUGG General Assembly in Montreal the IAG Executive Committee (EC) established a new IAG Inter-Commission Committee on "Geodesy for Climate Research" (ICCC) to enhance the use of geodetic observations for climate studies. The goal is to establish a systematic and comprehensive approach among the various geodetic communities, but also to establish and foster links to the climate science. Click on the title and read further details on the ICCC website!


IAG Events